
Software Antrian Bank

1 Jan 2000admin

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Types of queue [ ] Structured queues [ ] Here people form a queue in a fixed, predictable position, such as at supermarket checkouts, and other retail locations such as banks. In the field of facilities management, structured queues are commonly known with different names like 'Queue Managers' or 'Crowd Controllers' or 'Public Guidance Systems'. Very often, queue management systems are set up to manage ticket ranking for a service (with or without a numbered ticket) with identification and thus enable a serene and stress-free waiting.

Extending the different possibilities, planned reception by appointment and remotely rank allocation on or through can also be included. Unstructured queues [ ] Where people form a queue in unpredictable and varying locations and directions.

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This is often the case in some forms of retail, taxi queues, ATMs and at periods of high demand in many situations. In the busiest places, physical barriers and guides are used to funnel people into a line as they arrive. Kiosk based queues [ ] Kiosk-based queuing systems are often used for medical, banking, and many governmental service locations. As people arrive, they enter basic information into a kiosk about themselves and the reason for their visit. The information is organized and presented to staff to allow for faster customer service response.

Kiosk-based systems also include an information tracking system for the business to report on statistics such as wait times, the volume of traffic and staff performance. Mobile Queue [ ] Allowing customers to use their mobile phone to view real-time queue data and select a reason that they want to visit your service center. Customers are free to carry on their day and don't have to wait in a waiting area. Customers receive notifications via SMS or App and when ready to be seen, they are called forward for service. Mobile phone text messages for a queue at a motor vehicle office. Mobile queues can also include real-time queue data statistics as well as real-time customer feedback. Mobile queues require the customer to install apps to their phone before getting into the queue.