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Planet: Venus / Shukra Ra, Rha,Ri, Ree, Rhi,Ru, Roo, Rhu,Rey, Ray, Rhe,Ro, Rau, Rho, Rhau,Ta,Tii, Tee, Thee, Thii,Tu, Thu, Tho,Te, The, Tay This sign includes the last two charans of Chitra, Swati and three charans of Vishakha Nakshatras. The Librans have a thin physique and are tall heighten. They have conspicuous veins. They easily impress people.
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Jan 17, 2006 - They have got command in their voice as the pitch remains high. They are ambitious, autocratic, independent, strong-willed, suspicious, violent,.
Great people help them. They are pious and spiritual.
They are logical with their nature and are dominated by balance and harmony. They are sensitive, curious, will - principled, gentle, critical, good in perception, but are intolerant. Charming and easily mixing with people around are their sterling qualities. They are logical and as such balance all their deeds and relations with logic. They are likely to have skin disorders like boils etc. They are prone to kidney diseases. They come up in life in their native place itself.
They believe more in action rather than speaking. They are learned, intelligent, and helpful to others and do social work. They may have a thick nose but are attractive. They believe in religion. They are repellent to opposite sex. The early stages of their lives are usually marked with hardships, but destiny shines to them between 32-35 of their age. Planet: Mercury / Budh To, Tau,Pa, Pha,Pi, Pee, Phi,Pu, Poo, Phu,Sha,Ana, Ane, Na,Th,Pe, Pay, Pha,Po, Pau, Pho This sign is made up of the last three charans of uttara phalguni, Hasta, and the first two charans of Chitra Nakshatras.
Virgoans are shy and sensitive. While walking they curve their necks. Smiling is a peculiar sign of their nature.
They live a practical and refined life. The persons with the influence have lively smiling faces, and carefree gait. They are slow workers as they are lazy and lethargic by nature. They have shrill voice. They sometimes lose luster of body. But they are intelligent enough. They middle-heighted.
They are artists. They have a lot of patience and at the same time they are observant, sensible, studious, soft spoken, and logical. They are shrewd but discrete. They keep their secrets limited to themselves. They usually suffer from stomach ailments like diarrhoea, loose motions, and stomachaches. They also have the problem of skin Allergy.
Their favorite pastime is traveling. They rarely lose temper. Lottery, speculation is their taste. Usually they shift from their place of birth. They acquire estate or property at the fag end of life. Planet: Sun / Surya Ma,Mi, Mee,Mu, Moo,May, Me,Mo, Mau,Ta,Ti, Tee,Tu, Too,Te, Tay The people of this sign are bold, courageous and have powerful physique.
They have tall height and broad chest. They have reddish complexion. They possess impressive and commanding personality.
They have strong bones, broad forehead, beautiful eyes and big nose. This rashi includes complete Magha, Poorva Phalguni and first charan of Uttara Phalguni.
They are born leaders. They have got the leading qualities and have magnetism in their personality. They are ambitious and have dominating nature. They seek such occupations like military, police services or administrative services. They are proud, pious and clean hearted. They are not disappointed for not getting the fruitful output of the inputs given. They love travels of hills and are adventurous.
They like speed and thud they drive their vehicles very fast. They achieve rise in destiny very late sometimes above 30 yrs of age. They have small families. They have got command in their voice as the pitch remains high. They are ambitious, autocratic, independent, strong-willed, suspicious, violent, ill tempered and jealous. They are strong and rude towards their subordinates. Planet: Moon / Chandra Hi, He,Hu, Hoo,Hey, Hay,Ho, Hau,Da, Dha,Di, Dee, Dhe,Du, Doo, Dhu,De, Day, Dha,Do, Dho Cancerians are sensitive, conservative and are introverts.
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They love esoteric science. They are sympathetic, full of energy and imaginations.
They are water lovers. They usually stay outside their native place.
The sign includes last charans of Punarvasu, full Pushya and full Aashlesha Nakshatras. They are slow workers. They take quick gains of their company. They acquire inherited property. They have protruding hips and have slanted vision sight. They have moles, scars, warts etc., on the left side of their body. They love luxuries in life and are usually pious people.
They are prone to gastric troubles and they easily catch diseases. They are showy people. They have soft bones and are good critics. They are highly prone to chest and lung infections.
They like natural environment. They love fine arts like drama, music, acting etc. They love traveling and roaming. Their have big upper jaws. They possess round face and long organs of body. They are brisk in walking; they are fearless and somewhat rude in talking but are straightforward.