
Gidravlika Aljtshulj

1 Jan 2000admin

New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val In 1985, the Tretyakov Gallery was administratively merged with a gallery of contemporary art, housed in a large modern building along the, immediately south of the. The grounds of this branch of the museum contain a collection of sculpture, including such highlights as 's iconic statue (which was removed from in 1991), the Swords Into Plowshares sculpture representing a nude worker forging a plough out of a sword, and the Young Russia monument.

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Nearby is 's of, one of the tallest outdoor statues in the world. Near the gallery of modern art there is a sculpture garden called ' that displays statues of former that were relocated. There are plans to demolish the gallery constructed in the late Soviet modernism style, though public opinion is strongly against this. References [ ].

Gidravlika Aljtshulj

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