
Auto Kaufvertrag Polnisch Deutsch Pdf Download

1 Jan 2000admin

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Questions concerning fares, timetables and services Information in German: 0049 (0) 180 6 99 66 33 (20 cents per call from a German landline, max. 60 cents per call from a German mobile network; costs for calls from abroad depend on provider) daily from 00:00 to 24:00 Here you can inquire about fares, timetables and other DB services. You can also use the hotline to share praise or criticism. Mobility Service Centre for planning barrier-free trips 0049 (0) 180 6 51 25 12 (20 cents per call from a German landline, max. 60 cents per call from a German mobile network; costs for calls from abroad depending on provider) daily from 06:00 to 22:00 Call this number to arrange for assistance with boarding, changing or alighting from trains when travelling with Deutsche Bahn.

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We will also assist you in finding suitable connections, purchasing tickets and reserving seats, and send you your travel documents by post or prepare them for collection at a ticket machine.