
Astrology For Gann Traders Pdf File

1 Jan 2000admin

Attention All Astro-Traders & Financial Astrologers! That was the subject line of an e-mail that hit my inbox yesterday. It was curious enough that, unlike most of the junk sent my way, I went to Google to see what and who it was all about. The discussion was forwarded to me by a successful trader I know in the Seattle area, with the observation “It is amazing the lengths people will go to in seeking predictability” along with the tongue-in-cheek comment, “I always wanted to be an astro-trader!” The e-mail was about a “long awaited” book — really a trading course — titled “Secrets of the Chronocraters,” by Dr. Alexander Goulden. The e-mail boldly claimed this work is the “DEEPEST & MOST ADVANCED work on Financial Astrology ever written!” Which to my skeptical mind, is like arguing which real housewife of New Jersey is the most probable winner of next year’s Nobel Prize in Physics. Did I mention it is now on sale at the low, low price of $3,600?

That seems like a perfectly fair price for “a concise, applied manual, which will predict market trends and turns like nothing else.” Column Full email after the jump We are very happy to announce the release of Dr. Alexander Goulden’s long awaited course on FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY, Secrets of the Chronocrators. This course is the DEEPEST & MOST ADVANCED work on Financial Astrology ever written! It distills the powerful, lost techniques of the Ancients into a concise, applied manual, which will predict market trends and turns like nothing else. Yours for the low low price of just $3600! SECRETS OF THE CHRONOCRATORS BY DR. ALEXANDAR GOULDEN PRICE $ 3,600.00 See below for full details, or click the following links to order or to read about it on the web: The Most Important Work on Financial Astrology Ever Written!

Annayum rasoolum movie mp3 songs free download. SECRETS OF THE CHRONOCRATORS BY DR. ALEXANDER GOULDEN It is the stars, The stars above us, govern our conditions William Shakespeare STATEMENT OF INTENT The intent of this course is to demonstrate the astrological principles which underpin the movement of financial markets.

It offers a contemporary presentation (and the author’s refinement) of the superior astrological techniques derived by the Masters of Antiquity. A core component of this advanced system is the science of the Chronocrators (Time Lords), without which forecasting becomes ineffective. Those with a serious interest in heavyweight astrology and market science will gain important insights from this work available from no other source.

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The course includes unique revisions of an ancient method by which to rectify a nativity. It explains the astrological factors which regulate the timing of pivots and the direction of trend. It also reveals certain astrological secrets which determine price. Most importantly, perhaps, it explains, by reference to the Chronocrators, how to isolate the astrological signals which are “live” at any given point, and which are therefore likely to have an effect upon a market. INTRODUCTION Dr. Baumring, one of the foremost interpreters of Gann’s Law of Vibration said of the purely astrological approach to financial forecasting that it was so difficult to accomplish, that even for one who fully understood Gann’s Law of Vibration, mastering the astrological mechanics behind the movements in the markets would take another 5 years of dedicated research. He explained that this was because the true system had been lost, and the modern proponents of astrology, even including the numerous authors on the Gann List, understood only bits and pieces of the full system, so that the task of pulling together a complete science from fragmented sources was all but impossible to accomplish by most people.